Malawi Village Water Wells
Funding for two additional wells on the edge of Thuma Reserve ! Imagine turning on your tap for a drink. No Water. Imagine working in the fields in 100 degree heat, then return home for a shower. No Water. Imagine no clean water for cooking.
We can’t really imagine a life without clean water. But in Malawi they can since it’s the FIFTH poorest country in the world.
So how do the poor village people get water? The women often WALK 20 miles, every day, round trip to fetch water in 5 gallon containers that they carry on their head!
They gather water from streams and waterholes that are fouled by wild animals. This contaminated water creates dysentery, cholera and other diseases. The most susceptible are the village children, who suffer from chronic diarrhea on almost a daily basis. Consequently they often miss school.
The villagers can’t build the well because they have no money. To deny these dirt poor villagers and their kids, something as basic as fresh water, is unacceptable. Especially when the problem is easily solved with a freshwater well. Elefence has built wells for other villages in Zambia, Zimbabwe — as well as for migrating elephants!
WELL…we did it now in Malawi! We just now (December 2022) reached our goal of $4000 to construct the borehole/well for a Malawi village at the edge of Thuma Reserve, home to over 200 endangered elephants. BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! We’ve now raised enough with matching funds to build a SECOND borehole/well for yet another village desperately in need of clean fresh water.
As a result, Elefence remains true to our mission to Safeguard the People as well as Safeguarding the Elephants.
WILDLIFE ACTION GROUP, MALAWI. [ Elefence's Main Project In Partnership with
Wildlife Action Group]
Working to Save Two Conjoined Forest Reserves: Thuma FR and Dedza Salima FR
Only a river separates the two reserves. The electric fence will eventually surround the both reserves as one forest ecosystem for protection
Elefence recently provided substantial funding for Wildlife Action Group to be able to finish the solar electric fence for Thuma Forest Reserve -- the purpose being to mitigate Human-Elephant Conflict. Since the fence has been completed, there is now ZERO human-elephant conflict for the Thuma local communities. And there have been ZERO elephant deaths at Thuma. The first time in their history.
Elefence has also helped fund a ranger rewards program. This has proved to be a big incentive for these rangers, giving recognition for their dangerous work.
Elefence helped fund the construction of boreholes for several fresh water wells for the local communities surrounding the forests.
Elefence supports high achiever students by paying for their tuitions, uniforms, books, and school supplies. Otherwise they would not be able to attend high school levels.
Elefence focuses on continuing to support these Malawian boys and girls ---because eventually they will be leaders in protecting Malawi's fragile forests and ecosystems.
Only local villagers will be employed to build the Dedza Salima Forest Reserve electric fence.
Local villagers are trained for fence maintenance. They will be paid to monitor the fence on a daily basis. Thus, this project gives local people jobs. All supplies will be provided for them.
Elefence is presently working to secure funding to complete the solar electric fence for Dedza Salima Forest Reserve.